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The Reviews Are In!

So far, my thespian debut has been very well received. The LA Times said I was "the standout in the ensemble". Broadway Review said I was "outstanding". There is still time -until July 24th- to see the musical. Let me know. It is a swell evening. Maybe, we can meet and greet. Why not? Here's the info:

Dig my shag

If you can't come to LA, come see "F*ck 7th Grade" in NYC in the October. Will you? And...we are looking for just a little more funding for things like - to pay the band and travel. Tax deductible! "Fuck 7th Grade" includes a bunch of your favorite songs of mine, and some new zingers.

Here is our ask:

The wild project, a nonprofit theater in the East Village that dedicates a lot great programs that support BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ artists, is producing the New York City production of my coming-of-age rock memoir, f*ck7thgrade, this Fall!

f*ck7thgrade is a rock music ride about adolescent romance, a brief rise to pop stardom, and how we’ll never get out of middle school. Previews for f*ck7thgrade begin this coming October at wild project’s downtown 89-seat theater for a 4-week run. I’m excited to bring this musical, with its all-female creative team, on stage for a live New York audience.

Nothing comes easy and my team and I need your help to make f*ck7thgrade happen! We all want f*ck7thgrade to be as badass and fun as we possibly can make it - and so, I’m asking you to please make a donation, large or small, so we can do this show right!

All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law and you can very easily donate by clicking the Donation link below. If you prefer the old-fashioned way, you can mail a check made out to wild project and drop it in the mail to 195 E. 3rd Street. New York, NY 10009.

You may DONATE HERE or send a check made payable to: wild project.

Hey, maybe I could add a Zoom or actual house concert as a big ticket item. What do you think? Please send me your ideas. All I know is, I am so excited to do this show.

xo, Jill

1 Comment

William Braunstein
William Braunstein
Jul 11, 2022

My brother and I will be seeing your play at the Geffen this Saturday--the 3 p.m. matinee on July 16th. We're both looking forward to it. We'll try to say hello if you're around after the performance.

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