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Back Catalog Song of The Day: Mary Kay

Sometime in the late 1990s, I was thinking of doing a concept record called "Tabloid Music". Each song would deal with a current, or past, mostly National Enquirer type story. I lost interest, but did write a few of them and put it on my "Pink Pearl" record.

Yesterday, a ton of folk sent me the news that Mary Kay Letourneau and her ex-12-year-old student filed for separation. Here is my (a little Bossa Nova) ode to her.

Listen Here: Here!


Mary Kay, she's got it bad Thinks no one understands You can't keep a good man down You can't stop when love's around You can't close your lonely eyes Though he's way too young to drive But he's old enough to please you

Love-me-nots and daisies, Mary Kay Spin the bottle crazy, Mary Kay

Little John Doe's got it bad When he first walked in her class He never had a crush like this Except for Susie's mother She wasn't like the other girls In their stuck up silly world He's never seen someone so beautiful

Second base and better, Mary Kay In her soft blue sweater, Mary Kay, Mary Kay

Under the bleachers Deeper and deeper Oh teacher

Mary Kay was on the run With the father of her son She didn't know she was a star As she was steaming up the car

Now in your orange jailbird suit I wish the best for you You were in my heart and living room

Seven years and counting, Mary Kay And all the inmates wanting Mary Kay Second base and better, Mary Kay Where's the soft blue sweater, Mary Kay

Love-me-nots and daisies Spin the bottle crazy Love can be amazing, Mary Kay

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